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Disability Confidence Scheme

The University and all the NHS Trusts associated with the Programme are dedicated to the implementation of the Equality Act (2010) with regards to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, gender and sexual orientation, religion or belief. Applications from people who have had direct experience of mental health difficulties are also welcome.

The DClinPsychol programme, in conjunction with the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, operates its selection procedures in line with the Disability Confident (opens in new window) process, a positive action scheme which is in compliance with the Equality Act (2010). We therefore intend to interview all applicants with a disability who choose to self-declare a disability to the programme and who meet our minimum standards for interview.

detailed information sheet is available on our Institute website (opens in new window) regarding this. It explains our selection procedure and should allow everyone to make a considered choice about what personal information they might elect to disclose in their application and what the consequences of that disclosure will be. Applicants who wish to discuss this policy are welcome to contact Fiona Thorne (Director of Personal and Professional Development).